
General info
Using autocomplete to write opcodes
Additional info
Keyboard Reference
Things to expect

General info

When the program starts, you enter the fully enhanced UI by pressing Enter or double clicking the code.

Editor can be in 5 different modes (high byte,low byte,word,dword or qword). To switch between them, use the following keys at any time:

Press the following key once: To enter:
Tab key 8 bit mode and to switch between low and high byte
register modes (i.e.: between AL and AH)
Caps Lock 16 bit mode
Shift key 32 bit mode
Ctrl key 64 bit mode

These keys also take effect when autocompletion menus are being shown; the menu items will change accordingly.

Using autocomplete to write opcodes

One of the main ideas for this editor is to be able to write opcodes by pressing only two keys - When you press one of the A-Z keys in the beginning of the leftmost box, the editor displays the instructions stored for the pressed letter. Now you can press the shortcut for one of the displayed options to write the opcode for corresponding two-key combination. You can add up to nine options to each key (A-Z). The process for adding instructions is made very simple, as described in the next topic.
You can turn this on or off by hitting Ctrl+D or by going to Options/Disable LineBox.

Adding/Changing an instruction in a two-key shortcut

When you get shown the options for commands in the leftmost small textbox(i.e. Press the S key and the editor offers nine keys, all of which are in proximity of the S key), hold shift and press the desired key of the option you wish to edit.


Put focus into the leftmost small textbox (textbox must be empty or the entire text in it selected). Press the A key, then Shift+A.
An input box for combination A-A will appear.

In the input box that appears, enter either one or four commands separated with commas (",") in the following order:


1. "push"


or equivalently, place the "?" sign to automatically append the Q,W,D,B letters, e.g.:

2b. "LODS?"

to get the same result as in previous example.

Many letters already have commands assigned to them, but you can change any two-key combination. I've assigned some basic instructions to a few keys, but most of them are free, so you can adjust assignments according to which ASM instructions you use the most.

Additional info

When text gets automatically selected, freely press Space or Escape to unselect it and to enter the textbox.
When you delete a line that contains definition of a variable, macro, structure or label, or change their names, the old ones aren't removed from the autocomplete list until you press Ctrl+U or click Options/Update labels.
Whenever you type a jump instruction (JMP,JNZ,JLE,...) in the beginning of leftmost box and press Space, the editor offers you a list of labels, excluding macro, procedure and structure names.
The rightmost of the small textboxes is reserved for comments.

Keyboard Reference

Keyboard shortcuts available only in fully enhanced mode

Tab, Caps Lock, Shift, Ctrl - keys to switch between 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit editor modes. Affects autocompletion menus for opcodes and registers. Described in General info.

Ctrl+Ins - Toggle box insert. By default, this is turned on, so the content of the current box is automatically selected.

Ctrl+"," / Ctrl+"." - Scrolls the text left/right for 1 unit (easy to remember by "⟨" and "⟩" characters on the keyboard)

Ctrl+Shift+"," / Ctrl+Shift+"." - Scroll left/right for 4 units (Units can be altered in "Options⟩HScroll step..." )

Shift+{A to Z} - When instructions for a specific letter are displayed(only when in the lefmost box), use Shift+{letter you see} to change its instruction assignment. Also explained in detail in General info section under "Adding/Changing an instruction in a two-key shortcut" .

Keyboard shortcuts available in all modes (in addition to standard ones)

Shift+{F1 to F12} - moves to one of the lines in the upper half of the current view. When you hold down Shift or Ctrl key, numbers appear for navigation.

Ctrl+{F1 to F12} - moves to one of the lines in the bottom half of current view (Ctrl+F12 moves to the last line).

Ctrl+{1 to 9} - Jumps to marker

Ctrl+Shift+{1 to 9} - Places marker

Ctrl+R - Updates labels for autocompletion and performs syntax highlighting on the document.

Ctrl+D - Disable GUI and edit in ordinary text editor. Switch back by pressing the same again.

Ctrl+G - Go to line number. Also displays the current line number and the name of current block.

Ctrl+Pgdn/PgUp - moves the caret to next/previous block definition line

Ctrl+Up Arrow / Ctrl+Down Arrow - scrolls up/down

Ctrl+X - If nothing is selected, cuts the entire line

Ctrl+C - If nothing is selected, copies the entire line

Keyboard shortcuts only available in ordinary mode

Ctrl+[ / Ctrl+] -Set selection start and end with keyboard shortcuts or from the menu. For instance, you can set selection start, type the text, and then select what you've just written just by setting the selection end

Things to expect in future versions

- Option to check external files to include macro, procedure and variable names in the autocomplete list,
- Option to compile
- Speech recognition input (although this can already easily be done by using Windows Speech Recognition with ACE).

Developed by:

Izidor Zupančič - i Z !